Channel into the Deep
Map richies place
Giant walls that go down into the abyss, amazing drop offs,
immense sharp rocks, caves, underwater canyons, large
sand bars, and arches – all of this makes up a spectacular
landscape decorated with a thousand different types of
life. The landscape is one of the strong points of this dive
because of how varied it is. The nooks in the rocks shelter
two orange corals and one small cave that is blanketed with
narval shrimps. A great variety of other species can also be

The dive begins right at the line of buoys that mark the
beach swimming area. Once at the bottom, descend down
the sand to the small arch formed in the rock that a diver
can fit through. From there, follow the cliff leaving it to the
right. Just a few meters away, you will come across a placard
in honor of Richard, a much loved guide that discovered and
made this place popular, and died for reasons other than
diving during a vacation abroad.

From the arch, leaving the cliff on the left side, the wall
descends forming a canyon with a large cave at its base,
where the first branch of orange coral hides. Across
from its outlet, on the big sharp rock, another smaller
one gives shelter to a good number of narval shrimp
(commonly known as “prawn”). Go over the cliff and rise
above a large group of rocks to an overhang where the
second branch of coral grows, before beginning your

Puerto del Carmen
Min depth:
18 meters
Max depth:
34 meters
Desde barco o tierra
17 – 24 grados