Atlantic Museum of Lanzarote

The Atlantic Museum has been conceived as a place for the preservation, conservation and education of the marine environment and nature, an integral part of the system of human values

The museum project is creating a large artificial reef formed by a set of sculptural installations made of neutral pH concrete that, over time, will serve to increase marine biomass and facilitate the reproduction of the Island’s species.


El museo está ubicado a unos 12 metros de profundidad en las claras aguas próximas a la costa sur de Lanzarote, en la Bahía de Las Coloradas, un enclave elegido fundamentalmente por las características físicas del suelo submarino, abarcando una superficie de 2.500 metros cuadrados que será accesible para buceadores y submarinistas y se constituirá en foco de atención turística y cultural.

Atlantic Museum Route

Los Jolateros


A group of children in their boats made of brass, called “jolateros”. A reference to this tradition of Lanzarote and a metaphor of a possible future for our children, marked by the precariousness that would mean sailing with a sheet



Molded from a local fisherman on the island of La Graciosa, on the north coast of Lanzarote, the sculpture is made up of a series of concrete sticks that make up a traditional funeral pyre

La balsa de Lampedusa


Reflection on the humanitarian crisis based on the painting of Gericáult, which represents a scene of the wreck of the French frigate Medusa on the coast of Mauritania, and the abandonment suffered by the crew. A recognition to those who have lost their lives in those crossings



A couple taking a “selfie” places us in the use of new technologies and self-referentiality. This sculpture, located next to La Balsa de Lampedusa, eludes a tragic moment and turns it into an event “in the background”, worthy of being registered.

Cruzando el Rubicón


This work is formed by a group of 35 figures that walk towards a wall and a door under the sea, a boundary between two realities and a portal towards the Atlantic Ocean. It is a monument to the absurd, a dysfunctional barrier in the midst of a vast fluid, a three-dimensional space that can be crossed in any direction.

Jardín Híbrido (varias piezas)


They merge nature and humanity while referencing the rich vegetation of Lanzarote. Sculptures half human, half cactus, constitute an important part of the botanical garden.

El Portal


In the portal a young hybrid looks towards a large quadrangular mirror that reflects the surface of the ocean in movement. The mirror rises over a series of cactus-shaped structures that contain small compartments, “living stations” designed to attract octopi, sea urchins and fry.



Unregulated is a playground where they play on a swing and two seesaws, businessmen out of the natural world.

Foto Op


Similar to the “selfie” couple, photographers raise a debate about the permanent recording of images in contemporary societies.

Giro humano


The last piece of the Atlantic Museum is a human swirl composed of 200 life-size sculptures that create a large circular formation. The position of the figures gives shape to a habitable reef by marine species and constitutes an emotional farewell for visitors at the end of the tour.

To dive in the Atlantic Museum, it is necessary to obtain the Scuba Diver certification or to carry out the Discover Scuba Diving program. These certifications can be done in our center in just one day.

La visita al Museo Atlántico se puede reservar en horario de mañana o de tarde.

Visitar el Museo Atlántico tiene un coste extra sobre el precio del pack de inmersiones contratadas. El precio extra para bucear en el Museo es de 25 € + la entrada al Museo (12 € precio oficial CACT). Extras correspondientes a viaje en barco.