The home of the big fish

Playa flamingo map

It is an dive that impresses by its simplicity and by the quantity and variety of schools of fish that frequent the area.

In this area, of unbeatable visibility outside the jetty most of the year, we can enjoy banks of roncadores, bicudas, salemas, blacksmiths, bogas, gueldes, sardines and tuna. The white sand serves as a hiding place for scrapie, angels and tablecloths, so we must not forget to look for its silhouette in the background.

It can be accessed both from the coast and from a boat and is especially comfortable and ideal for sea baptisms and initiation. The experienced people will not stop enjoying due to the abundance of fauna and the luminosity of the area. The two breakwaters that form the bay serve as reference to locate the large schools of fish that are located in front of the exit of the bay. The walls of blocks can be traversed in search of groupers, catalufas, alfonsitos and other more timid animals that like to go unnoticed.

Playa blanca
Min depth:
0 meters
Max depth:
18 meters
From boat or land
17 – 24 degrees